La gouvernance du triathlon WTC vs ITU

Bonne humeur de rigueur, pour les sujets ne concernant pas le monde sportif merci de poster dans " plus si affinité".
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Inscription : 01 mars 2006, 11:00

Re: La gouvernance du triathlon WTC vs ITU

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Lagardere n'a pas que l'ambition de faire du contenu sportif, il y a une logique de verticalisation (club, elite...) afin de faire emerger le contenu dans les tuyaux , effectivement pourquoi pas faire concurrence a ITU, WTC, Challenge ? ca doit etre dans les possibilites.
Messages : 328
Inscription : 06 juil. 2004, 08:57

Re: La gouvernance du triathlon WTC vs ITU

Message non lu par chrisBTRI »

...Il est sorti le calandrier des WORDS SERIES made in LAGARDERE??
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Re: La gouvernance du triathlon WTC vs ITU

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Silver0l a écrit :
Créer une série de haut niveau en triathlon, dans les grandes villes (comme en foot, les téléspectateurs ne viennent que s'il y a suffisamment de spectateurs directs) peut être un moyen d'alimenter à bon compte les tuyaux.

A condition que le triathlon ait un minimum d'attractivité en terme d'audience, ce qui est jouable, car en phase avec l'air du temps: activité non mécanique (non polluante), lutte contre l'obésité et les maladies cardiovasculaires (vélo/CAP/nat sont les meilleurs pour ça), pratiquable en tout lieux, non perçue comme étant gangrénée par le dopage comme le cyclisme, un peu plus fun que la CAP pure et dure, plus pratiquable, et plus longtemps, que l'athlé (sauts et lancers demandent une explosivité pas forcément saine et durable)...
Le gros problème du triathlon, et à mon avis pourquoi ce sport restera confidentiel, c'est qu'il est constitué de 3 sports (si, si... :lol: ).
Chaque fois que j'ai tenté d'y amener une personne de mon entourage qui était soit cycliste, soit nageur, soit coureur, il y a toujours eu un "oui, mais moi le vélo, j'ai mal au cul au bout d'une heure", voire "j'ai pas de vélo" ou "oui, mais moi chai pas nager" ou "oui, mais faut s'entraîner combien d'heures"...etc...
Par exemple, sur la masse de sportif de mon entourage, je n'ai réussi à y attirer qu'un seul de mes amis... très bon coureur, le gars nageait très mal (au début :D ), il s'y ait finalement mis, et ça lui plait, mais ça a été au forceps et au début il ne voulait faire que du duathlon.

Suffit de comparer avec l'athlétisme, les disciplines les plus confidentielles sont aussi les combinées (heptatlon, pentathlon, décathlon). J'estime qu'au delà de plus de deux disciplines enchaînées, on augmente (logiquement) les possibilités de rebuter les éventuels futurs pratiquants, soit par le nombre d'heures nécessaires à l'entraînement, soit parcequ'une des disciplines ne plaira pas.
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Re: La gouvernance du triathlon WTC vs ITU

Message non lu par MarcoTri »

15.2 a écrit :Qu'est ce qui a poussé Lagardère à y prendre part. Sincèrement, outre l'aspect économiquement rentable (je ne sais pas si l'expression est juste), quel est l'objectif de Lagardère dans le triathlon? Avec la manne financière dont il(s) dispose(nt), n'importe quel autre sport, ou activité est à sa portée, alors pourquoi spécifiquement le triathlon?
C'est le génie du président de la Section Triathlon de Lagardère Paris Racing, j'ai nommé Marc Fortier-Beaulieu. Le sauveur du Triathlon, c'est lui et personne d'autre. Il a su bien vendre son sport 8) :sm2: :sm2:

:lol: :sm1: :sm28: :sm18: :sm16: :sm39: :sm8: :sm12: :sm23:
Messages : 328
Inscription : 06 juil. 2004, 08:57

Re: La gouvernance du triathlon WTC vs ITU

Message non lu par chrisBTRI »

Pour info :

ITU World Championship Series
International Triathlon Union (ITU) in collaboration with Lagardère Sports is creating a new global triathlon series at the highest level of the sport. The powerful combination of two highly experienced organisations offers a rare opportunity to create a world class and exciting new property. The series will be launched in 2009 and will be established as the World’s premier triathlon product. The series will be based on the following assumptions:

7 events (6 World Championship Events and a World Championship Grand Final)
The events will be located in the centres of internationally renowned cities around the world
The events will be scheduled approximately on a monthly basis (March – September)
The events will consist of a combination of the world’s best elite athletes competing against each other to be crowned world champion, and mass participation events where thousands of kids and adults will participate
Each event will have guaranteed live TV coverage and international distribution
Elite athletes will compete head to head to be crowned World Champion and qualify for the 2012 Olympic Games
Elite athletes will compete at the same distance which is used at the Olympic Games ensuring:
the athletes enter key spectator areas multiple times on route to the finish
the course is TV friendly and offers spectacular and exciting head to head action
Non elite athletes will compete over the same distance or shorter to allow a wide range of individual possibilities to participate

International Triathlon Union

The International Triathlon Union is recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as the world governing body for the Olympic sport of Triathlon. ITU is the most influential organisation in the sport and organiser of the world’s premier Triathlon events, including the Triathlon World Championships & Triathlon World Cup Series. ITU represents National Federations in over 120 countries and its sport development initiatives are fuelling Triathlon’s extraordinary growth." onclick=";return false;

Lagardère Sports

Lagardère Sports is one of the largest and fastest growing sports businesses in the world. SORTFIVE and Upsolut, subsidiaries of Lagardère Sports, will partner ITU in producing the series. SPORTFIVE is an internationally renowned marketing agency for sports rights. In addition to providing the series with marketing expertise, SPORTFIVE will produce live TV coverage and provide international distribution through its worldwide sales network. UPSOLUT is a world class event organiser with specific skills in organising high profile triathlon events. Upsolut organised the extremely successful 2007 Triathlon World Championships in Hamburg. Upsolut will support the entire series and share its knowledge with each event to ensure high standards and quality.


Triathlon is a global sport growing rapidly across the continents. Triathlon has already established a key position in Europe, North America, Oceania and Asia. The sport’s popularity is increasing in South America and Africa. World Championship triathlon events will be located in the heart of some of the world’s most important cities, especially where triathlon is popular, bringing together a unique series of races to showcase the sport. Each major city event will be organized to exceptionally high standards. Each year the best athletes in the world will compete head to head in front of international television audiences and large numbers of spectators. In 2007 the World Championships in Hamburg had >7.7 million live TV viewers and > 80+ million viewers in total. In addition in 2007 over 600,000 spectators were at the event. Each event will consist of a huge festival of sport with a diverse range of race opportunities to attract more than 5,000 individuals. Events will therefore target mass participation and offer Expo and entertainment areas.


Whether they’re crowding the streets of downtown Hamburg or trekking to the far reaches of Africa, the dedicated fans of triathlon are as committed as the heroes they follow. Millions attend live ITU Triathlon events every year. But it doesn’t stop there. When fans can’t make an event in person, the Triathlon media machine makes it possible to watch, hear or read about it from home. TV coverage in over 189 countries globally, a definitive triathlon website,, and extensive print media coverage supplies fans with up-to-date news and information 24/7.

As part of the new partnership with Lagardère Sports, SPORTFIVE will now take a new approach and centralise TV production and distribution for the World Championship series and offer live coverage of every single event. SPORTFIVE’s global distribution network will target a major step forward in TV exposure. In-house media production and sales will allow perfect media positioning of global sponsors. ITU media team is dedicated to maximising publicity and exposure. It manages online, news and print services and contracts the world best photographers to produce unrivalled images.

World Championship Live TV
The fast passed action, exhilarating head to head competition and emotional tension of the athletes and fans set against the backdrop of Triathlon World Championship Series’ stunning locations make for unique and memorable sporting entertainment. Providing an exhilarating insight into the world of Triathlon, the ITU programmes are filmed in a way that puts its audience at the very heart of the action.

World Championship Highlight Programme
The blockbuster show! A 52-minute fast paced, dynamic and exhilarating recap of each event, featuring all the action, plus athletes interviews, special features and behind the scenes footage.

ITU Triathlon News Feeds
Getting all the action into the public domain as fast as the athletes they feature, is the job of the ITU news team. Daily news feeds containing a 90-second news edit, five-minute rushes and custom footage is delivered to over 933 broadcasters in every corner of the globe.

Sport Development
The International Triathlon Union is committed to supporting the development of the sport worldwide. ITU seeks to support these goals through strong relationships with continental and national federation constituents, working with its partners to offer a balanced sport development programme from grass roots to a high performance level. In recent years ITU has been able to establish a number of sport development initiatives that address the needs of young and elite athletes. These initiatives from the foundations for building an athlete development pipeline – a key element of any long term performance sports strategy. Such a pipeline is important as federations, athletes and their coaches strive for sustained competitive excellence at all levels of the sport.

Opportunities for Partnership
Is your company attempting to maximize its return on investment through a high profile sponsorship? The ITU World Championships Series offers exceptional value and outstanding benefits. A partnership which guarantees:

Major brand exposure and unique opportunities for brand communication
Live TV coverage and anticipated worldwide audience in excess of 200 million per event
Major brand exposure in some of the world’s most important cities
Taped TV coverage in over 180 countries
Over 30,000 participating athletes within the event series, increasing each year
Excellent employee benefits and possibilities for involvement and participation
A dominant and active role in triathlon sport development
High performance, Olympic sport association

The sponsorship packages will be split into global sponsoring rights and local sponsoring rights.

Nagelsweg 33-35
20097 Hamburg
Kai Müller
Phone: +49 40 376 77-408
Fax: +49 40 376 77-113


Upsolut Event GmbH
Friesenweg 7
22763 Hamburg
Jan Olbrisch
Phone: +49 40 88 18 00 14
Fax: +49 40 88 18 00 36


SPORTFIVE is the exclusive agent of MATCH Hospitality in Continental Europe for the sale of the Official Hospitality Programme for the 2010 FIFA World Cup™.

SPORTFIVE's extensive portfolio of TV rights to sports events requires premium quality standards in live TV production. Specific expertise and state-of-the-art technology that meet the latest quality standards are imperative to provide international licensees with the best possible images of a match or fight.

Drawing on comprehensive skills and know-how gained in daily marketing work all over the world, coupled with its participation in a vast number of new stadium constructions and renovations, SPORTFIVE facilitates every stage of stadium planning, evaluation, construction and operation. SPORTFIVE analyses markets, performs feasibility studies and draws up hospitality, audience, press and media concepts.
Messages : 328
Inscription : 06 juil. 2004, 08:57

Re: La gouvernance du triathlon WTC vs ITU

Message non lu par chrisBTRI »

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Inscription : 14 janv. 2005, 16:37
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Re: La gouvernance du triathlon WTC vs ITU

Message non lu par alecbrac »

MarcoTri a écrit : C'est le génie du président de la Section Triathlon de Lagardère Paris Racing, j'ai nommé Marc Fortier-Beaulieu. Le sauveur du Triathlon, c'est lui et personne d'autre. Il a su bien vendre son sport 8) :sm2: :sm2:
IL existe parfois de mauvais génies... :wink:
Ce n'est pas le doute, c'est la certitude qui rend fou.
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Inscription : 15 oct. 2005, 07:12
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Re: La gouvernance du triathlon WTC vs ITU

Message non lu par pat79 »

alecbrac a écrit :
MarcoTri a écrit : C'est le génie du président de la Section Triathlon de Lagardère Paris Racing, j'ai nommé Marc Fortier-Beaulieu. Le sauveur du Triathlon, c'est lui et personne d'autre. Il a su bien vendre son sport 8) :sm2: :sm2:
IL existe parfois de mauvais génies... :wink:
Le propre du génie n'est-il de réaliser des choses irréalisables. :sm11: