CANYON Speedmax CF

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Messages : 996
Inscription : 07 mars 2012 20:29

Re: CANYON Speedmax CF

Message non lu par PierreM »

Voilà le communiqué de Canyon :

KOBLENZ, 07.01.2015 — Canyon will significantly boost its engagement in triathlon by starting a partnership this season with German top triathlete Jan Frodeno. In 2015, Jan will line up at middle and long distance races around the world aboard his new Speedmax CF.

“We are thrilled to have Jan on board. The chemistry between him and our Canyon Crew was outstanding from the beginning. He always delivers on the highest level of his sport as do we when it comes to developing products. His passion for triathlon is infectious and inspiring. We are very proud to welcome such a driven athlete at Canyon. 2015 will be his second year as long distance triathlete. We have no doubt that we will be able to support and assist him reach his season goals. Furthermore, Jan’s experience and eye for detail will be invaluable to improve our line of products”, says Canyon founder and CEO, Roman Arnold.

Jan is looking forward to working with the Canyon Crew: “The right bike partner is a key element in our sport. These kind of changes are not taken lightly. To work with Canyon was a conscious decision and it has taken some time and deliberation. However, after visiting the Canyon.Home in Koblenz and learning more about the company’s philosophy, it was a ‘no-brainer’ for me. After taking a close look at the products, there wasn’t any alternative. I set a personal goal in winning the World Championship in Hawaii this year and I’m confident to have found the right bike to achieve this goal with the Speedmax. The first tests were really promising and showed me that Canyon and I are the perfect German fit.”

Jan has been ranked as one of the world’s best triathletes for years. His impressive achievements include winning Olympic Gold at the Summer Games in Beijing 2008, countless podiums in the ITU World Triathlon Series as well as a victory with the German team in the World Mixed Relay Championships 2013. After a couple of triumphs in middle distance races, Jan entered the highly competitive world of long distance racing in July 2014. He places third at the Ironman European Championships in Frankfurt and confirmed his new place among the top triathletes in longer races by grabbing the silver medal at the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in Canada. Soon thereafter, he set his personal highlight of the season by coming in third at the legendary Ironman World Championship in Hawaii 2014.

Since New Year’s Day, the 33-year-old has been busy preparing for the new season in Australia. His new equipment is already put to good use on the streets “Down Under”. He rides aboard his new Speedmax CF around his winter residence in Noose and can’t wait to take on the first race of the season. When and where is not quite set yet, but will be announced very soon.
Where he will be going in the long run is quite clear. After realizing every athlete’s dream winning Olympic Gold in 2008, he has his sights set on every long distance triathlete’s ultimate goal: to be crowned the “King of Kona” in Hawaii. To achieve this, Jan will be supported by the Canyon Crew. In preparation as well as at races with the best technical equipment and service.

Messages : 321
Inscription : 15 sept. 2004 20:50

Re: CANYON Speedmax CF

Message non lu par euskaltri »

UNe question: le changement de roulements du jeux de direction et des cables de freins sur le speedmax cf n'est pas trop compliqué??
"Il n'y a ni échec ni victoire dans l'effort. Ce n'est qu'une illusion de l'ego" Hugi le corbeaux
Messages : 321
Inscription : 15 sept. 2004 20:50

Re: CANYON Speedmax CF

Message non lu par euskaltri »

Vu les succès de la question que j'ai posé avant j'en pose une autre:

Pour une personne de 1m71 avec 80cm d'entrejambe mieux vaut une potence de 7cm ou 8,5cm sur le speedmax vertion triathlon (potence qui monte) pour ne pas avoir les genoux qui tapent dans le cintre en danseuse?
"Il n'y a ni échec ni victoire dans l'effort. Ce n'est qu'une illusion de l'ego" Hugi le corbeaux