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Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 10 mars 2019, 10:04
par Jerome.A
pourquoi dis tu ca?
je ne trouve pas que la dernière lettre indique plus en erreure que les précédentes? ils font croire depuis des mois qu ils ont un produit finit alors q u ils n ont toujours pas un seul modele qui fonctionne.

Lettre du 22 février:
Just to ensure we have the best possible product, we decided to do some extra testing on the first production run before shipping.

LE 8 mars:
In our last update two weeks ago, we showed you the first finished power meters and were looking forward to do some in-depth testing before shipping it over our first crowdfunding backers and professionals like DC Rainmaker, GCN and GP Lama...
we encountered some hiccups that we are now trying to solve. It seems that one of the power meter components influences the power readings in a way that is challenging to fix with software

Donc depuis des mois ils bassinent a base de final product ceci, final product cela.... mais ils en sont a l étape prototypes....

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 10 mars 2019, 18:30
par GrayGore

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 12 mars 2019, 11:01
par Doc holliday
Les rats quittent le navire ! Ou comment, quand on s’est fait avoir, essayer d’en avoir un autre !

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 14 avr. 2019, 20:36
par Jerome.A
le mail de la semaine.....

mais avant apple d 'il y a presque 2 mois:
Lettre du 22 février:
Just to ensure we have the best possible product, we decided to do some extra testing on the first production run before shipping.

et donc cette semaine....

Hi everyone,

After extensive extra testing these last few weeks we have finally localized the power meter phenomenon that has been causing the inaccurate power readings we've been receiving. To be honest, it's been a bit of a frustrating time for both our iQsquare team and our skilled production partners. Every time we thought we had it, the issue seemed to 'jump' and we had to do more testing.

Where we previously thought we could fix the issue with extra calibration software, we now see that this is no longer a possibility. Now that we understand what the issue is, we can work on the solution. The good news is: there is a solution and we will try to present it next week or the week after; it will have quite a significant impact on the product.

We'll present our solution in-depth with an extensive update as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Team iQsquare

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 15 avr. 2019, 07:41
par alban26
En gros ... c'est pas près d'être livré ! :sm11:

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 15 avr. 2019, 07:45
par GrayGore
du coup je me suis commandé des Garmin vector..
Si jamais les Iq² arrivent un jour ca me permettra de les laisser sur un des vélos.

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 07 mai 2019, 10:16
par Jerome.A
Deniere mise a jour, ils ont completemetn change le produit.

On ne passé plus par un capteur qui permet de metre la pedale de son choix, ils developpetn maintennt une pedale sur base de cales Look.

Du coup le produit n est plus du tout le meme..... affaire a suivre. Ils parlent d Aout 2019 comprendre rien avant 2020 :)

en Bref:We have decided to relocate the strain gauge to a stable and non-influenceable spot. The strain gauge sensor is now located at the most ideal location in the center of the pedal; far away from the influence of the threads

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 07 mai 2019, 12:23
par FlorianC13
Jerome.A a écrit : 07 mai 2019, 10:16 Deniere mise a jour, ils ont completemetn change le produit.

On ne passé plus par un capteur qui permet de metre la pedale de son choix, ils developpetn maintennt une pedale sur base de cales Look.

Du coup le produit n est plus du tout le meme..... affaire a suivre. Ils parlent d Aout 2019 comprendre rien avant 2020 :)

en Bref:We have decided to relocate the strain gauge to a stable and non-influenceable spot. The strain gauge sensor is now located at the most ideal location in the center of the pedal; far away from the influence of the threads
en clair d'un produit innovant ils font une pale copie des look exact ou encore Garmin Vector

"on a essayé de re-inventer la roue, puis on s'est rendu compte qu'en faite c'etait pas mal comme systeme"

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 07 mai 2019, 13:52
par alban26
Si au moins ça permet de faire baisser le prix du marché ...

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 14 juin 2019, 22:03
par kimaswan

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 16 oct. 2019, 08:43
par Jerome.A
J adore la conclusion de la derniere letter:
Actu N42
In summary, October 25th is the date our productions partners tell us these parts will arrive. And then when we finally begin assembly, we will still perform a couple of final tests to make sure the end-product functions according to what we envisioned. However, our team and you as backer have come to find out the hard way that it doesn’t always happen so smoothly, so we don’t want to make the mistake of mentioning any final dates right now. One step at a time it seems, but we’re definitely moving.
DC Rainmaker summarized it well when he said: “There’s a long trail of companies that have tried and failed to develop power meters. And many that have succeeded. And every…single…one of them has had delays and complexities along the way (yes, even SRM). No matter the money invested (Garmin), or the time in the industry (PowerTap or Quarq). Making power meters is far more difficult than people realize.”
But luckily he also observed this: “I have zero question in my mind he’ll (Keesjan Klant) be able to pull this off. But, like Elon Musk, I suspect he’s underestimating the difficulties in this product and the timelines involved. He’ll get there, and the product will likely be great in the end. But, it probably just won’t happen when you think it will. On the bright side, a power meter is generally considered easier than re-landing rockets on a floating platform in the ocean.”
We’ll write as soon as there’s more to post!
Ne pas oublier que l'Actu precedente (N41) s'intitulait: Final Assembly

To be continued

Re: [Power meter] iQ2 / iqsquare

Publié : 06 mai 2020, 12:38
par Jerome.A ... uracy.html

ca avance lentement mais ca avance on dirait....