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Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 03 oct. 2015 17:46
par Bryce
Arc en ciel local...
Source : Facebook Yann Payen

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 03 oct. 2015 18:00
par Bryce
Allez J-7 :sm2: :sm2: :sm2: :sm2:

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 03 oct. 2015 22:13
par Bidoux
Kenzo a écrit :
Bidoux a écrit :Dans un autre style :D

Source : Facebook/Tri Sport
Cipollini ? :D

a ce rythme la on va bientot avoir un troupeau :D :mrgreen:

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 11:19
par prechet
Tim Van Berkel:


Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 11:23
par prechet

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 12:09
par kimaswan
Le nouveau Giant :

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 15:08
par Bryce
Denis Chevrot pour son 1er Kona :!:

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 17:23
par francky48
On devrait le voir avec la tête au moins sur la partie natation. :sm2:

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 18:36
par noir zedir
je pense que c'est le représentant français le plus doué à kona cette année.

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 18:56
par Bryce
Good morning KONA!!!!
Source : Facebook Olivier Boquet

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 19:00
par Bidoux
C'est aussi ca Hawaii Merci Thierry !!!


Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 19:09
par Bryce
Qui a dit c'est surtout ça :?: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 19:10
par Bryce
The calm before the storm. This time next week the eyes of the triathlon world will be set on this very stretch of road
Source : Facebook Luke McKenzie

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 19:14
par Bryce
Nietzsche wrote, "One repays a teacher badly if one remains only a pupil." One of the most valuable parts of this past year has been real growth in my relationship with my coach @joelfilliol. Joel was my coach from 2005-2009, until he left to be the head coach of TriGB. When I first started with Joel, I knew nothing. Less than nothing. I remember one day, about a month into training with him, when I had to pull over on my bike only 10mi from home and sleep for 30min in a field on the side of the road. I thought, "oh, so this is what it is like to really train for triathlon..." In 2014, when we started back together, I had a whole new set of challenges to overcome. I was no longer naive, but that was as much a problem as it was an advantage. In 2005, I needed to realize that training was the only thing that mattered. I had no other obligations. And I needed to make the most of that. Now, it's been about realizing that training is not the only thing that matters. And that I do have other obligations. I used to ask all the questions. Now I find Joel asks as many question of me as I do of him. When I put this to Joel, he said that the desired outcome is to be able to make decisions with confidence and with guidance and discussion. Though I do like to say that a big part of Joel's job is saying, "that's BS." I guess that's the "guidance" part... I always knew things would be different starting back together. He had changed as a coach and I had changed as an athlete and we both had changed as people. But I think we've found a good path. It may be a bit crooked, but like this tree I think it is strong.
Source : Facebook Jordan Rapp

Re: HAWAII 2015 IRONMAN World Championship - October 10 in Kailua-Kona

Publié : 04 oct. 2015 19:18
par Bryce
Gros gros nageur présent cette année à Kona, à suivre à T1 :wink:

On l'appelle Sharky. Savez-vous pourquoi? Essayez de le suivre en nageant et vous comprendrez! Franck Martin est un excellent nageur. Il a déjà réalisé le meilleur chrono natation lors de l'Ironman Francfort par exemple. Devant les pros! Franck sera à Kona pour la 3eme fois.
"Une 3è participation à Kona sans aucune prétention, juste le plaisir de partager une superbe expérience avec les potes du team et les potes d'entraînement !"
Un argonaute qui est un solide membre du team. Super spirit, super mec!
Source : Facebook Team Argon 18 France