Testiing at Ironman

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Inscription : 15 juin 2004, 15:35
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Testiing at Ironman

Message non lu par FanchM »

The U.S. Anti Doping Agency (USADA) conducts all drug tests at USA Triathlon-sanctioned events and determines the positions that will be tested. In 2004, the top three male and female professionals were tested, along with a random selection of professionals placing fourth-10th. Age group athletes are not drug tested.

This year, the following positions were tested at the Ironman Triathlon World Championship:

Top 1-3 (male and female)
Places 4, 5 and 9 (male)
Places 5, 6 and 10 (female)
"USA Triathlon supports USADA in its continuing efforts to catch those athletes who cheat by using performance-enhancing drugs," said Mike Greer, USA Triathlon's interim executive director. "The bad news this year is that an athlete cheated. The good news is that she was caught and those professional triathletes who might consider using drugs were put on notice."