Vincent Vittoz blanchi

Des infos pas des ragots!
Messages : 4267
Inscription : 15 juin 2004, 15:35
Localisation : Floride, USA
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Message non lu par FanchM »

et bien crois ce que tu veux alors :-)
je te donne deux etudes qui montrent que contrairement a ce que l'on croit, pour certains, la baisse de la perf. interview plus tot...une autre montre meme une diminution de la perf. a 500m seulement.

Ce sont deux etudes parmi d' y en a bcp qui montrent TOUTES la meme chose...que c'est tres variable d'une personne a l'autre et que la baisse de perf. peut intervenir meme a 1500, 1000m, voir 500m...

Et puis les auteurs en questions sont parmi les physiologistes du sport les plus reputes.

Regarde les MPM de marathon a seulement 1500m...

A velo en revanche, ca peut se discuter parce qu'effectivement, meme si tu perds un peu en Vo2, l'air moins dense fait plus que compenser. Mais a pied, en natation etc. ca ne sera pas le cas.
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Messages : 4317
Inscription : 24 oct. 2003, 15:58
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Message non lu par sylvain »

...le but de la discussion n'est pas de se fermer sur une idée et de ne plus en démordre, mais bien de comprendre un peu la physio et l'altitude. J'essaie de raisonner de façon scientifique et d'apporter une pierre à l'édifice. Après, j'en tape, je ne veux pas bouffer mon temps sur une thématique de recherche qui n'est pas la mienne... La mienne justement me prend déja pas mal de temps...

Si on reprend de façon a peine plus approfondi les deux réf que tu cites, je pense que ce ne sont pas forcément les plus pertinentes sur la question :

La première (date de 1999) ... s=10589872
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1999 Nov;31(11):1665-76.
Comparing cycling world hour records, 1967-1996: modeling with empirical data.
Bassett DR Jr, Kyle CR, Passfield L, Broker JP, Burke ER.
Exercise Science Unit, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.

PURPOSE: The world hour record in cycling has increased dramatically in recent years. The present study was designed to compare the performances of former/current record holders, after adjusting for differences in aerodynamic equipment and altitude. Additionally, we sought to determine the ideal elevation for future hour record attempts. METHODS: The first step was constructing a mathematical model to predict power requirements of track cycling. The model was based on empirical data from wind-tunnel tests, the relationship of body size to frontal surface area, and field power measurements using a crank dynamometer (SRM). The model agreed reasonably well with actual measurements of power output on elite cyclists. Subsequently, the effects of altitude on maximal aerobic power were estimated from published research studies of elite athletes. This information was combined with the power requirement equation to predict what each cyclist's power output would have been at sea level. This allowed us to estimate the distance that each rider could have covered using state-of-the-art equipment at sea level. According to these calculations, when racing under equivalent conditions, Rominger would be first, Boardman second, Merckx third, and Indurain fourth. In addition, about 60% of the increase in hour record distances since Bracke's record (1967) have come from advances in technology and 40% from physiological improvements. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: To break the current world hour record, field measurements and the model indicate that a cyclist would have to deliver over 440 W for 1 h at sea level, or correspondingly less at altitude. The optimal elevation for future hour record attempts is predicted to be about 2500 m for acclimatized riders and 2000 m for unacclimatized riders.
PMID: 10589872 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

le second article qui date de 1989 quand même (les méthodes ont évolués en 20 ans): ... ds=2736448
Can J Sport Sci. 1989 Jun;14(2):93-8.
[A comparison of cyclists' time records according to altitude and materials used]
[Article in French]
Peronnet F, Bouissou P, Perrault H, Ricci J.
Departement d'education physique Universite de Montreal, Quebec.

The purpose of this study was to re-assess the energy cost of track cycling in order (a) to compare the one-hour world records at sea-level and altitude with classical bicycles or with modern bicycles including aerodynamic components, and (b) to estimate the optimal altitude to set a new one-hour world record. Energy cost of track cycling with a classical or aerodynamic bicycle was estimated according to the equation developed by di Prampero et al. (1979) using data from Davies (1980) for the rolling resistance coefficient and from Gross et al. (1983) for the aerodynamic resistance coefficient for each type of bicycle. When compared to the classical track-bicycle, and to the bicycle studied by di Prampero et al. (1979), the aerodynamic track-bicycle reduces the resistance coefficient by 11.7 and 16.9% respectively. According to these estimations the cyclists sustain 87-95% of maximal aerobic power over one hour, which is a likely value for a 60 min exercise period for top-level athletes. When the reduction of air density and of maximal aerobic power with altitude are taken into account, equivalences between performances achieved at different altitudes and with the two types of track-bicycles, can be computed. The best overall performance appears to be the current one-hour record at sea-level using an aerodynamic bicycle (Moser: 50.644 km.h-1). This performance is equivalent to 53.5 km.h-1 in Mexico City (2230 m), 54.4 km.h-1 in La Paz (3417 m) and 54.5 km.h-1 at 3843 m (472 mmHg), which would be the optimal altitude to set the record.
PMID: 2736448 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
[...]Et puis les auteurs en questions sont parmi les physiologistes du sport les plus reputes[...]
je ne doute absolument pas leur compéétence en physio du sport, et je n'ai même pas la prétention de leur arriver à la moitié de cheville, mais si tu fais le pubmed "performance et altitude" de ces deux équipes, tu trouves : deux papiers pour le premier et 1 papier pour l'équipe de Ricci.
En revanche, j'ai trouvé ça qui est plus récent et peut nous intéresser : ... &DB=pubmed
(taper : altitude and sport) ... &DB=pubmed
(taper altitude and performance)
Clin Lab Haematol. 2004 Dec;26(6):373-7.
Behaviour of haematological parameters in athletes performing marathons and ultramarathons in altitude ('skyrunners').
Banfi G, Roi GS, Dolci A, Susta D.
Direzione Sanitaria, Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milano, Italy.

We observed athletes performing marathons and ultramarathons in altitude over several years to study the behaviour of haematological parameters in order to screen eventual paraphysiological or pathological conditions (sports anaemia). We collected samples from 124 athletes participating in seven races; 23 athletes were recruited in different races: 16 for four times, four for three times, and three for two times. The pre- and post-race values of erythrocytes, haemoglobin and packed cell volume did not show statistically significant differences in the studied athletes. The erythrocytes' indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC) and red cell distribution width (RDW) also were not significantly modified by the strenuous effort. The leukocytes were significantly increased because of immunological involvement during the endurance performance. Platelets and relative indices were not significantly modified. The stability of packed cell volume and haemoglobin in athletes performing training and races in altitude is strong evidence for the use of these parameters as an index of general health status and for illustrating possible abnormal increase because of exogenous stimulation of bone marrow. The preanalytical and analytical accuracy is crucial to assure clinical validity of the collected data: we strictly observed international recommendations in this field.
PMID: 15595993 [PubMed - in process]
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2004 Oct;14(5):303-10.
Training and performance characteristics among Norwegian international rowers 1970-2001.
Fiskerstrand A, Seiler KS.
Norwegian Rowing Federation, Oslo, Norway.

This study quantified changes in training volume, organization, and physical capacity among Norwegian rowers winning international medals between 1970 and 2001. Twenty-eight athletes were identified (27 alive). Results of physiological testing and performance history were available for all athletes. Twenty-one of 27 athletes responded to a detailed questionnaire regarding their training during their internationally competitive years. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) increased 12% (6.5+/- 0.4 vs. 5.8+/-0.2 L min(-1)) from the 1970s to the 1990s. Similarly, 6-min ergometer rowing performance increased almost 10%. Three major changes in training characteristics were identified: (1) training at a low blood lactate (< 2 mM) increased from 30 to 50 h month(-1) and race pace and supra-maximal intensity training (approximately 8-14 mM lactate) decreased from 23 to approximately 7 h month(-1); (2) training volume increased by approximately 20%, from 924 to 1128 h yr(-1); (3) altitude training was used as a pre-competition peaking strategy, but it is now integrated into the winter preparation program as periodic 2-3-week altitude camps. The training organization trends are consistent with data collected on athletes from other sports, suggesting a "polarized" pattern of training organization where a high volume of low intensity training is balanced against regular application of training bouts utilizing 90%-95% of VO2 max.
PMID: 15387804 [PubMed - in process]
Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2005 Feb;15(1):48-57.
Training response of adolescent Kenyan town and village boys to endurance running.
Larsen HB, Nolan T, Borch C, Sondergaard H.
The Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre, Rigshospitalet and University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

To investigate the response to endurance training on physiological characteristics, 10 Nandi town boys and 14 Nandi village boys 16.5 and 16.6 years of age, respectively, from western Kenya performed 12 weeks of running training. The study was performed at altitude ( approximately 2000 m.a.s.l. approximately 595 mm Hg). Training heart rate and speed were registered during every training session throughout the entire training period. While town and village boys trained at similar heart rates (172.1 vs. 172.5 beats min(-1)), the training speed of the town boys was 9% lower compared with the village boys (12.4 vs. 13.6 km h(-1), P<0.001). Significant increases in VO(2max) were observed in the town boys (from 50.3 to 55.6 mL kg(-1) min(-1), P<0.001) and in village boys (from 56.0 to 59.1 mL kg(-1) min(-1), P<0.002). Significant decreases in submaximal heart rate (from 172.4 to 160.3 beats min(-1) (P<0.005)), blood lactate (from 2.7 to 1.4 mmol L(-1) (P<0.005)) and ammonia concentration (from 102.0 to 71.4 mumol L(-1) (P<0.01)) at 9.9 km h(-1) were observed in the town boys, while similar decreases in heart rate (from 170.2 to 159.2 beats min(-1) (P<0.001)), blood lactate (from 2.4 to 1.4 mmol L(-1) (P<0.001)) and ammonia concentration (from 102.5 to 72.7 lmol L(-1) (P<0.001)) at 10.9 km h(-1) were observed in the village boys. The oxygen cost of running was decreased from 221.5 to 211.5 mL kg(-1) km(-1) (P<0.03) in the town boys and from 220.1 to 207.2 mL kg(-1) km(-1) (P<0.01) in the village boys. The 5000 m performance time of the town boys was significantly greater than that of the village boys (20.25 vs. 18.42 min (P=0.01)). It is concluded that no difference was observed in trainability with respect to VO(2max), running economy, submaximal heart rate, and submaximal blood lactate and ammonia concentration between Kenyan Nandi town and village boys. The higher performance level of the village boys was likely due to a higher VO(2max) of these boys.
PMID: 15679572 [PubMed - in process]
Int J Sports Med. 2004 Nov;25( 8 ):561-8.
Hemoglobin mass and peak oxygen uptake in untrained and trained female altitude residents.
Boning D, Cristancho E, Serrato M, Reyes O, Mora M, Coy L, Rojas J.
Institute of Sports Medicine; Charite - University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Total hemoglobin mass has not been systematically investigated in females at altitude. We measured this quantity (CO-rebreathing method) as well as peak oxygen uptake in 54 young women (age 22.5 +/- 0.6 SE years) with differing physical fitness living in Bogota (2600 m) and compared the results with those of 19 subjects from 964 m in Colombia and 75 subjects from 35 m in Germany. In spite of an increased hemoglobin concentration the hemoglobin mass was not changed in highlanders (means 9.0 to 9.5 g . kg (-1) in untrained subjects at all altitude levels). Endurance trained athletes, however, showed a rise in hemoglobin mass by 2 - 3 g . kg (-1) at all sites. Erythropoietin was little increased in Bogota; iron stores were within the normal range. Aerobic performance capacity was lower at high altitude than at sea level and remained so also after correction for the hypoxic deterioration in untrained and moderately trained subjects but not in athletes; possibly the cause was reduced daily physical activity in non-athletic Bogotanians compared to lowlanders. After exclusion of the factor V.O(2peak) by analysis of covariance a mean rise of 6.6 % in hemoglobin mass at 2600 m was calculated being smaller than in males (> 12 %). The attenuated increase of hemoglobin mass in female highlanders possibly results from stimulation of ventilation improving arterial oxygen saturation or from an increased hypoxia tolerance of cellular metabolism both caused by female sexual hormones.
PMID: 15531997 [PubMed - in process]
REMARQUE 1 : j'ai rien vu d'évident à moins de 2000 m d'altitude (j'ai pas non plus fouillé, a fond...). Si t'as les ref des publi décrvant ce que tu cite plus haut (500m, 1000m, 1500m...) ça m'intéresse vraiment de les lire. (Pour la mise en place de stages en moyenne altitude par exemple......)
REMARQUE 2 : les études rétrospectives sur les sportifs de haut niveau et notamment les cyclistes, faut m'excuser, mais elles restent très discutables. Quand t'as des données métaboliques, biologique..."suréalistes" de certains organismes bien imprégnés, tu vas pas en conclure grand chose, et tout est possible.
Je suis désolé, mais avec les PMA, VO2M des Indurains, et même Moser, Boardman, Amstrong... je pense qu'ils peuvent encore pédaler à 8000 m en développant 450 watt, et on pourrait même voir une ammélioration par rapport à 1000m d'altitude !!!! :roll: ... donc méfiance !
sylvain - pastek!

Messages : 87
Inscription : 13 mai 2004, 21:05

Message non lu par Greg »

La baisse de VO2max et de performance est observée meme a tres faible altitude... 580 m = altitude de l'AIS à Canberra.

Gore, C. J., S. C. Little, et al. (1997). "Reduced performance of male and female athletes at 580 m altitude." Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 75(2): 136-43.
This study examined the effect of mild hypobaria (MH) on the peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) and performance of ten trained male athletes [x (SEM); VO2peak = 72.4 (2.2) ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)] and ten trained female athletes [VO2peak = 60.8 (2.1) ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)]. Subjects performed 5-min maximal work tests on a cycle ergometer within a hypobaric chamber at both normobaria (N, 99.33 kPa) and at MH (92.66 kPa), using a counter-balanced design. MH was equivalent to 580 m altitude. VO2peak at MH decreased significantly compared with N in both men [-5.9 (0.9)%] and women [-3.7 (1.0)%]. Performance (total kJ) at MH was also reduced significantly in men [-3.6 (0.8)%] and women [-3.8 (1.2)%]. Arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation (SaO2) at VO2peak was significantly lower at MH compared with N in both men [90.1 (0.6)% versus 92.0 (0.6)%] and women [89.7 (3.1)% versus 92.1 (3.0)%]. While SaO2 at VO2peak was not different between men and women, it was concluded that relative, rather than absolute. VO2peak may be a more appropriate predictor of exercise-induced hypoxaemia. For men and women, it was calculated that 67-76% of the decrease in VO2peak could be accounted for by a decrease in O2 delivery, which indicates that reduced O2 tension at mild altitude (580 m) leads to impairment of exercise performance in a maximal work bout lasting approximately 5 min.
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Messages : 1573
Inscription : 05 août 2004, 12:21
Localisation : Paris
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Message non lu par MarcoTri »

excellent le smiley clandestin au milieu du texte :lol:


PS une fois que vous aurez lu tout ça vous aurez la même opinion que moi sur les 50% de la FFC : c'est tout simplement ridicule.
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Messages : 3743
Inscription : 23 oct. 2003, 07:51
Localisation : Aisne

Message non lu par Etienne »

MarcoTri a écrit :excellent le smiley clandestin au milieu du texte :lol:


PS une fois que vous aurez lu tout ça vous aurez la même opinion que moi sur les 50% de la FFC : c'est tout simplement ridicule.
Le smiley clandestin, c'est 8 et ) ... 8) ... çà m'est déjà arrivé plus d'une fois ... çà casse un peu le sérieux du discours :wink:
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Messages : 4317
Inscription : 24 oct. 2003, 15:58
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Message non lu par sylvain »

Greg a écrit :La baisse de VO2max et de performance est observée meme a tres faible altitude... 580 m = altitude de l'AIS à Canberra.

Gore, C. J., S. C. Little, et al. (1997). "Reduced performance of male and female athletes at 580 m altitude." Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 75(2): 136-43.
This study examined [...]Arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation (SaO2) at VO2peak was significantly lower at MH compared with N in both men [90.1 (0.6)% versus 92.0 (0.6)%] and women [89.7 (3.1)% versus 92.1 (3.0)%].
[...]which indicates that reduced O2 tension at mild altitude (580 m) leads to impairment of exercise performance in a maximal work bout lasting approximately 5 min.

Il serait également intéressant de savoir si 580 m d'altitude est suffisant pour déclencher une augmentation significative de l'érythropoièse. D'après cette étude ça ne semble pas être le cas : la baisse de la performance étant liée apparement à une diminution de la saturation en o2 de l'Hb, et une diminution du vo2.
Ca serait pas mal non plus de comparer ses résultats au cours d'exercice d'intensité et de durée différente

Ces articles nous éclairent un peu :
(De la même équipe :)

l'étude précédente celle cite ci dessus est très intéressante : ... ds=8806931
J Appl Physiol. 1996 Jun;80(6):2204-10.

Increased arterial desaturation in trained cyclists during maximal exercise at 580 m altitude.
Gore CJ, Hahn AG, Scroop GC, Watson DB, Norton KI, Wood RJ, Campbell DP, Emonson DL.
Australian Institute of Sport, Adelaide, Henley Beach, Australia.

This study utilized a hypobaric chamber to compare the effects of mild hypobaria (MH; 50 mmHg, approximately 580 m altitude) on blood O2 status and maximal O2 consumption (VO2max) in 9 untrained and 11 trained (T) cyclists with VO2max values of 51 +/- 3 and 77 +/- 1, respectively. In both groups, arterial O2 saturation (SaO2) decreased significantly during maximal exercise, and this effect was enhanced with MH. Both these responses were significantly greater in the T cyclists in whom the final SaO2 during MH was 86.5 +/- 0.9%. When the group data were combined, approximately 65% of the variance in SaO2 could be attributed to a widened alveolar-arterial Po2 difference. The arterial PO2 during maximal exercise at sea level in the T group was on the steeper portion of the hemoglobin-O2-loading curve (T, 68.3 +/- 1.3 Torr; untrained, 89.0 +/- 2.9 Torr) such that a similar decrease in arterial PO2 in the two groups in response to MH resulted in a significantly greater fall in both SaO2 and calculated O2 content in the T group. As a consequence, the VO2max fell significantly only in the T group (mean change, -6.8 +/- 1.5%; range, + 1.2 to - 12.3%), with approximately 70% of this decrease being due to a fall in O2 content. This is the lowest altitude reported to decrease VO2max, suggesting that T athletes are more susceptible to a fall in inspired PO2.
PMID: 8806931 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

et d'autre étude plus récentes sont également publiées par ce groupe, sur le sujet : ... s=14607850
J Appl Physiol. 2004 Mar;96(3):931-7. Epub 2003 Nov 07.

Improved running economy in elite runners after 20 days of simulated moderate-altitude exposure.
Saunders PU, Telford RD, Pyne DB, Cunningham RB, Gore CJ, Hahn AG, Hawley JA.
Department of Physiology, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.

To investigate the effect of altitude exposure on running economy (RE), 22 elite distance runners [maximal O(2) consumption (Vo(2)) 72.8 +/- 4.4 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1); training volume 128 +/- 27 km/wk], who were homogenous for maximal Vo(2) and training, were assigned to one of three groups: live high (simulated altitude of 2,000-3,100 m)-train low (LHTL; natural altitude of 600 m), live moderate-train moderate (LMTM; natural altitude of 1,500-2,000 m), or live low-train low (LLTL; natural altitude of 600 m) for a period of 20 days. RE was assessed during three submaximal treadmill runs at 14, 16, and 18 km/h before and at the completion of each intervention. Vo(2), minute ventilation (Ve), respiratory exchange ratio, heart rate, and blood lactate concentration were determined during the final 60 s of each run, whereas hemoglobin mass (Hb(mass)) was measured on a separate occasion. All testing was performed under normoxic conditions at approximately 600 m. Vo(2) (l/min) averaged across the three submaximal running speeds was 3.3% lower (P = 0.005) after LHTL compared with either LMTM or LLTL. Ve, respiratory exchange ratio, heart rate, and Hb(mass) were not significantly different after the three interventions. There was no evidence of an increase in lactate concentration after the LHTL intervention, suggesting that the lower aerobic cost of running was not attributable to an increased anaerobic energy contribution. Furthermore, the improved RE could not be explained by a decrease in Ve or by preferential use of carbohydrate as a metabolic substrate, nor was it related to any change in Hb(mass). We conclude that 20 days of LHTL at simulated altitude improved the RE of elite distance runners.
PMID: 14607850 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] ... s=10502083
Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1999 Oct;80(5):479-84.

"Live high, train low" does not change the total haemoglobin mass of male endurance athletes sleeping at a simulated altitude of 3000 m for 23 nights.
Ashenden MJ, Gore CJ, Dobson GP, Hahn AG.
Department of Physiology and Applied Nutrition, Australian Institute of Sport, PO Box 176, Belconnen, ACT 2616, Canberra, Australia.

The purpose of this study was to document the effect of 23 days of "live high, train low" on the haemoglobin mass of endurance athletes. Thirteen male subjects from either cycling, triathlon or cross-country skiing backgrounds participated in the study. Six subjects (HIGH) spent 8-10 h per night in a "nitrogen house" at a simulated altitude of 3000 m in normobaric hypoxia, whilst control subjects slept at near sea level (CONTROL, n = 7). Athletes logged their daily training sessions, which were conducted at 600 m. Total haemoglobin mass (as measured using the CO-rebreathing technique) did not change when measured before (D1 or D2) and after (D28) 23 nights of hypoxic exposure [HIGH 990 (127) vs 972 (97) g and CONTROL 1042 (133) vs 1033 (138) g, before and after simulated altitude exposure, respectively]. Nor was there any difference in the substantial array of reticulocyte parameters measured using automated flow cytometry prior to commencing the study (D1), after 6 (D10) and 15 (D19) nights of simulated altitude, or 1 day after leaving the nitrogen house (D28) when HIGH and CONTROL groups were compared. We conclude that red blood cell production is not stimulated in male endurance athletes who spend 23 nights at a simulated altitude of 3000 m.
PMID: 10502083 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] ... s=11282321
Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2001 Apr;128(4):777-89.

An evaluation of the concept of living at moderate altitude and training at sea level.
Hahn AG, Gore CJ, Martin DT, Ashenden MJ, Roberts AD, Logan PA.
Department of Physiology, Australian Institute of Sport, P.O. Box 176, ACT 2616, Belconnen, Australia.

Despite equivocal findings about the benefit of altitude training, current theory dictates that the best approach is to spend several weeks living at > or =2500 m but training near sea level. This paper summarizes six studies in which we used simulated altitude (normobaric hypoxia) to examine: (i) the assumption that moderate hypoxia compromises training intensity (two studies); and (ii) the nature of physiological adaptations to sleeping in moderate hypoxia (four studies). When submaximal exercise was >55% of sea level maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max), 1800 m simulated altitude significantly increased heart rate, blood lactate and perceived exertion of skiers. In addition, cyclists self-selected lower workloads during high-intensity exercise in hypoxia (2100 m) than in normoxia. Consequently, our findings partially confirm the rationale for 'living high, training low'. In the remaining four studies, serum erythropoietin increased 80% in the early stages of hypoxic exposure, but the reticulocyte response did not significantly exceed that of control subjects. There was no significant increase in haemoglobin mass (Hb(mass)) and VO2max tended to decrease. Performance in exercise tasks lasting approximately 4 min showed a non-significant trend toward improvement (1.0+/-0.4% vs. 0.1+/-0.4% for a control group; P=0.13 for group x time interaction). We conclude that sleeping in moderate hypoxia (2650-3000 m) for up to 23 days may offer practical benefit to elite athletes, but that any effect is not likely due to increased Hb(mass) or VO2max.
PMID: 11282321 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Peut-être un élément de réponse : ... s=10751105
Eur J Appl Physiol. 2000 Mar;81(5):428-35.

Simulated moderate altitude elevates serum erythropoietin but does not increase reticulocyte production in well-trained runners.
Ashenden MJ, Gore CJ, Dobson GP, Boston TT, Parisotto R, Emslie KR, Trout GJ, Hahn AG.
Department of Physiology and Applied Nutrition, Australian Institute of Sport, Belconnen, Canberra.

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the modest increases in serum erythropoietin (sEpo) experienced after brief sojourns at simulated altitude are sufficient to stimulate reticulocyte production. Six well-trained middle-distance runners (HIGH, mean maximum oxygen uptake, VO2max = 70.2 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) spent 8-11 h per night for 5 nights in a nitrogen house that simulated an altitude of 2650 m. Five squad members (CONTROL, mean VO2max= 68.9 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) undertook the same training, which was conducted under near-sea-level conditions (600 m altitude), and slept in dormitory-style accommodation also at 600 m altitude. For both groups, this 5-night protocol was undertaken on three occasions, with a 3-night interim between successive exposures. Venous blood samples were measured for sEpo after 1 and 5 nights of hypoxia on each occasion. The percentage of reticulocytes was measured, along with a range of reticulocyte parameters that are sensitive to changes in erythropoiesis. Mean serum erythropoietin levels increased significantly (P < 0.01) above baseline values [mean (SD) 7.9 (2.4) mU x ml(-1)] in the HIGH group after the 1st night [11.8 (1.9) mU x ml(-1), 57%], and were also higher on the 5th night [10.7 (2.2) mU x ml(-1), 42%] compared with the CONTROL group, whose erythropoietin levels did not change. After athletes spent 3 nights at near sea level, the change in sEpo during subsequent hypoxic exposures was markedly attenuated (13% and -4% change during the second exposure; 26% and 14% change during the third exposure; 1st and 5th nights of each block, respectively). The increase in sEpo was insufficient to stimulate reticulocyte production at any time point. We conclude that when daily training loads are controlled, the modest increases in sEpo known to occur following brief exposure to a simulated altitude of 2650 m are insufficient to stimulate reticulocyte production.

Publication Types:
* Clinical Trial
* Controlled Clinical Trial
PMID: 10751105 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
c'est carrément plus complexe que ça ne parait...
sylvain - pastek!

le tique
Messages : 297
Inscription : 24 janv. 2005, 16:05
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Trop fort les gars, il me faut un efferalgan pour lire 2 lignes.
Je crois d'ailleurs que je vais arrêter à un efferalgan et vous laisser.
Je laisse les clefs derrière la porte.
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Messages : 714
Inscription : 09 mai 2004, 16:05
Localisation : attendez je branche le GPS...

Message non lu par Thib »

Et pour apporter leur soutien à Vincent Vittoz, toutes les équipes de France de Biathlon et de ski de fond, abordent un stickers sur leurs tenues :"Vittoz propre".
Messages : 69
Inscription : 28 sept. 2004, 15:01

Message non lu par MILORD »

Déja qu'en français j'y comprends pas grand chose, en anglais, je vois raconte même pas.
Je suis complètement noyée. Si la transparence, c'est de nous fournir des explications qu'on comprend pas, si c'est assister à des débats de spécialistes auxquels je suis totalement hermétique, c'est pas gagné.
Bon, je vais vous laisser. Essayez de ne pas me réveiller, la porte est ouverte.
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Messages : 4317
Inscription : 24 oct. 2003, 15:58
Localisation : lausanne
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Message non lu par sylvain »

MILORD a écrit :Déja qu'en français j'y comprends pas grand chose, en anglais, je vois raconte même pas.
Je suis complètement noyée. Si la transparence, c'est de nous fournir des explications qu'on comprend pas, si c'est assister à des débats de spécialistes auxquels je suis totalement hermétique, c'est pas gagné.
Bon, je vais vous laisser. Essayez de ne pas me réveiller, la porte est ouverte.
si tu ne lis que les conclusion des abstract des articles cités, tu peux déja te faire une idée ! une à deux phrases en anglais, c'est pas la mer à boire...
:wink: :wink:
la thématique étant : entrainement, altitude, performance et adaptation.
- l'entrainement en altitude réduit il les performances physiques ? comment ça marche ? il y a t-il une "altitude seuil" ?
- vivre en haut / s'entrainer en bas ? est-ce un moyen d'augmenter ses performances physique ?
sylvain - pastek!

Messages : 4267
Inscription : 15 juin 2004, 15:35
Localisation : Floride, USA
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Merci Greg, c'est l'article que je l'avais vu mais ne le trouvais plus.
je sais que c'etait publie par springer-verlag mais je ne savais plus quel journal
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Messages : 1573
Inscription : 05 août 2004, 12:21
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Message non lu par MarcoTri »

Bon ben voilà, médaille d'Or aux championnats du Monde sur poursuite 30 km.

Et il paraît que les tests ont été refaits et que les deux flacons sont bien discordants. Ca en dit long sur le sérieux des préleveurs... :?

Messages : 565
Inscription : 27 juin 2004, 18:27
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Eh oui, médaille d'or. J'ai eu le privilège de vivre ce moment sur place et croyez moi, c'était fort. Il n'y a vraiment que le sport qui puisse procurer des émotions aussi fortes. Bravo Vittoz. Et maintenant, on remet ça dans le relais jeudi...
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Inscription : 24 oct. 2003, 15:58
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sylvain - pastek!

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Inscription : 28 déc. 2004, 11:40

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