Les muscles du triathlète

Que faire quand ça va pas?
Messages : 3
Inscription : 28 juin 2011, 13:10

Les muscles du triathlète

Message non lu par Déodat »

Messages : 10814
Inscription : 01 sept. 2009, 21:38

Re: Les muscles du triathlète

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Extraits :

"Between the ages of 40 and 50 years, we can lose > 8% of our muscle mass; this loss accelerates to > 15% per decade after age 75 years.8,9"

"In the current study, we proposed that high-level recreational athletes, known as masters athletes (athletes who train 4 to 5 times per week), participating in chronic high-level exercise may not demonstrate the same loss of total lean muscle mass and lower-extremity performance witnessed with sedentary aging. Masters athletes continue to exhibit high levels of functional capacity and quality of life throughout their lifespan. In this observation of a cross-section of masters athletes, the confounding variables of muscle disuse and sedentary living are removed in the study of lower-extremity function and loss of lean muscle mass in aging adults."
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Messages : 43
Inscription : 27 sept. 2011, 07:38
Localisation : Antibes
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Re: Les muscles du triathlète

Message non lu par Andy_M »

Autrement dit, le phénomène de Sarcopénie est plus prononcé chez l'individu sédentaire que chez l'individu entrainé.