Roth Quelle challengre en direct live

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Messages : 263
Inscription : 18 mai 2004, 20:24
Localisation : Belfort

Roth Quelle challengre en direct live

Message non lu par ironmule »

au 120ème km vélo, Macca et Kieran Doe 4' devant groupe Bracht, Taubert,Leder,Hoffmann

10:27The german chasers are not getting any nearer
The group made of Bracht, Taubert,Leder and Hoffmann does not get nearer to the lead. They are 4 minutes behind. Timo Bracht and Alex Taubert set the pace, Lothar Leder keeps up determined and Michael Hoffmann is trying hard.

10:35 h:
10:20 Not only the weather is an advantage for Macca
The sun has partly disappeard for a while behind some clouds. The conditions are perfect. McComarck is a strong runner with a good ranking, but his lead is not that far from the german chasing group.

10:30 h:
10:16 Leading group still the same At kilometer 120 at the bike part the leading group has not changed. Macca and Kieran Doe are still together. The hip newzealander is making the race of his life. Is he maybe taking on to much trying to keep pace up with Macca? The german group of four right behind are still working well together, but they are not able to reduce the distance to the leading group.

10:13 h:
10:00 Women at the 2nd lap.
Granger is leading around five minutes ahead of Mückel. Matthes is ranking third (+7:50). Funk is fourth (+09:05.

10:08 h:
9:51 Matthes passes Funk
Belinda Granger is leading at kilometer 85. Ute Mückel has fallen behind up to +4:50. Dagmar Matthes from SC Roth is ranking third (+7:35). Heike Funk is one minute behind her (+8:40).

10:04 h:
09:48 Kilometer 100, Men.
The follower group Leder, Bracht Taubert, and Hoffmann are still working together harmoniously. The German Express is moving upwards to Heideck. Michael Hoffmann and Lothar Leder are keeping up, but they are not really trying to take the lead. Michael Hoffmann has time to point out to a relay cyclist, him being drafting.

09:57 h:
9:40 A bad good for Jason
Jason Shortis had lots of plans for today, but he is 12 minutes behind the leading pack. He said to yesterday, he intended to leave the bike event in a good rank and he would attack at the running part. Will he make it?

09:49 h:
9:34 Nicole Leder rankin 5
Nicole Leder is 12 minutes behind Belinda Granger. Nicole is riding together with Silke Hamacher, but they do not succeed in reducing the distance to the leading group.

09:47 h:
9:21 Abel falling behind
At kilometer 85 leaving Hilpoltstein McComarck and Doe are leading the pack. The chasing group with Bracht, Taubert, Leder and Hoffmann are catching the leading group up, reducing the distance to them up to +2:55 minutes. The quickening pace has already forced Torsten Abel to fall 4:45 minutes behind. Cyrille Neveu is rank 8.

09:36 h:
9:22 Belinda Granger leading woman at kilometer 70
The Australian could increase her lead being her current time 2:49:23. She has left the Solar Hill behind her first. Ute Mückel is following her 3 minutes behind.

09:29 h:
At the aid station in Eysölden Belinda Granger is leading the women field. She looks relaxed and she is smiling. That cannot be said about Ute Mückel, ranking two. She gets annoyed in her usual way when she is being told she is 1:45 minutes behind. Heike Funk (+5:45) is looking good and so does Dagmar Matthes (+6:50). Far behind are Nicole Leder and Stefanie Glasenapp both +10:20. Leder looks like it is being hard for her.

09:13 h:
09:05 h:
McComarck is leading and riding in a very strong fashion, but he alternates with Kieran Doe. Macca is setting a quick pace leading with 3:14 minutes ahead. The group built by Bracht, Leder,Taubert, Hofmann and Abel take turns regularly and work together in a harmonious way.

09:00 h:
8:35 h:Change of leadership
Belinda Granger is now leading. In Obermessing Ute Mückel could not keep up with her leading role like she did at swimming. Nicole Leder is behind Silke Hamacher. Heike Funk is determined and fit.

08:43 h:
8:35 h: The women in Greding
Ute Mückel is leading 1:45 minutes ahead of Belinda Granger. Heike Funk is following (+4:10). 6:30 minutes behind is Dagmar Matthes, followed by Nicole Leder 8:05 minutes behind. A similar ranking as last year. Will Nicole Leder come back today?

08:37 h:
8:20 Kilometer 37
The leading men have already left behind the slope to Greding. At kilometer 37 Kieran Doe and Chris McCormack are leading in front of Timo Bracht, Alexander Taubert, Lothar Leder and the French Cyrille Neveu. Here is the current rank: Ute Mückel is following them 11:20 minutes behind.

08:30 h:
08:15 Three athletes cooperation group
Timo Bracht, Lothar Leder and Alexander Taubert build a chasing group following Kieran Doe and Chris McComarck from New Zealand and Australia. McCormack is using his tactics and is letting the kiwi set the pace.

1. Kiran Doe
2. Chris McCormack + 10 m
3. Lothar Leder + 2:40
4. Alexander Taubert + 2:40
5. Timo Bracht +2:40
6. Cyrille Neveu +4:05
7. Ulf Bartel +7:00
8. Justin Grange +7:00
9. Bernd Eichhorn + 7:00
10. Heiko Tewes + 7:00

08:25 h:
A mistake must be corrected: Belinda was ranking two at Heideck.

08:12 h:
8:00 500 athletes have already left the water
After 90 minutes 500 athletes have left the water. For some of them it will their best personal mark, others will be angry about losing some minutes. But they all have succeed in this discipline.

08:05 h:
At kilometer 20 Lothar Leder is waiting for Timo Bracht, in order to build a chasing group after the triathletes from Down Under. A german cooperation seems to develope.

08:00 h:
The current woman results at kilometer 20 in Heideck:
. Ute Mückel
2. Heike Funk + 4:35:
3. Niocle Leder + 4:35
4. Silke Hamacher + 6:40
5. Stefanie Glasenapp + 10:00
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Messages : 1333
Inscription : 11 janv. 2004, 15:09
Localisation : Petit-Roeulx-Lez-Braine
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Message non lu par Fironman »

dff 0:53:22
air marty 0:53:43
pp 0:55:56
bigmarc 0:58:08
jefironman 0:59:02 :D
Newi 1:01:40
Ben 1:02:43
le tique 1:03:56
pgb 51 1:09:04
Philou 60 1:12:37
Philippe LL 1:12:40
livestrong 1:15:08
Pierrot 1:26:00
tritof 1:17:13
Genjack 1 :17:59
Phil b 1:19:56
Lio 67 1:30:32
Nice 01, 02 IM France 02, 07 IM Germany 02 IM Lanzarote 03, 05, 08
Chall. Roth 04, 06, 08, 09 IM Austria 03 Tri Almere 03 IM Florida 03
IM Switzerland 04 IM UK 05 IM Arizona 05, 06 IM Wisconsin 08 Chall. Barcelona 10 IM Hawaii 2006
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Messages : 1333
Inscription : 11 janv. 2004, 15:09
Localisation : Petit-Roeulx-Lez-Braine
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Message non lu par Fironman »

Evitons de faire un copier-coller avec le Live, non ? :wink:
Nice 01, 02 IM France 02, 07 IM Germany 02 IM Lanzarote 03, 05, 08
Chall. Roth 04, 06, 08, 09 IM Austria 03 Tri Almere 03 IM Florida 03
IM Switzerland 04 IM UK 05 IM Arizona 05, 06 IM Wisconsin 08 Chall. Barcelona 10 IM Hawaii 2006
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Messages : 1333
Inscription : 11 janv. 2004, 15:09
Localisation : Petit-Roeulx-Lez-Braine
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Message non lu par Fironman »

QQun connaît Valérian car son n° : 259 n'est pas le bon... :?
Nice 01, 02 IM France 02, 07 IM Germany 02 IM Lanzarote 03, 05, 08
Chall. Roth 04, 06, 08, 09 IM Austria 03 Tri Almere 03 IM Florida 03
IM Switzerland 04 IM UK 05 IM Arizona 05, 06 IM Wisconsin 08 Chall. Barcelona 10 IM Hawaii 2006
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Inscription : 18 juin 2004, 19:55
Localisation : Auch et Toulouse et...
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Message non lu par trioung »

Et Copste :?:
“If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.“
Lord Kelvin
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Messages : 1333
Inscription : 11 janv. 2004, 15:09
Localisation : Petit-Roeulx-Lez-Braine
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Message non lu par Fironman »

Sorry, je l'avais oublié... :? C'est réparé :!: :wink:

Copste 1:00:50

Vous avez demandé la police ? Ne quittez pas... :roll:
Nice 01, 02 IM France 02, 07 IM Germany 02 IM Lanzarote 03, 05, 08
Chall. Roth 04, 06, 08, 09 IM Austria 03 Tri Almere 03 IM Florida 03
IM Switzerland 04 IM UK 05 IM Arizona 05, 06 IM Wisconsin 08 Chall. Barcelona 10 IM Hawaii 2006
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Messages : 3172
Inscription : 25 févr. 2004, 17:49

Message non lu par J »

joli temps pour le frangin, hein fironman? j'ai vu que les autres du club sont sortis aussi..courage à tous les gars du TITAN :wink:
Ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible, alors ils l'ont fait (Mark Twain)
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Messages : 1333
Inscription : 11 janv. 2004, 15:09
Localisation : Petit-Roeulx-Lez-Braine
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Message non lu par Fironman »

Oui, c'est son chrono nat habituel :D
Les autres TITAN en nat :?
Nice 01, 02 IM France 02, 07 IM Germany 02 IM Lanzarote 03, 05, 08
Chall. Roth 04, 06, 08, 09 IM Austria 03 Tri Almere 03 IM Florida 03
IM Switzerland 04 IM UK 05 IM Arizona 05, 06 IM Wisconsin 08 Chall. Barcelona 10 IM Hawaii 2006
david vincent
Messages : 3527
Inscription : 07 janv. 2004, 09:20
Localisation : Nowhere

peau lisse

Message non lu par david vincent »

Fironman a écrit :Sorry, je l'avais oublié... :? C'est réparé :!: :wink:

Copste 1:00:50

Vous avez demandé la police ? Ne quittez pas... :roll:
go copste :twisted:
Membre du team Just do it à bloc.
Capitaine du Black Pearl & de l'Octobre Rouge.
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Inscription : 12 nov. 2004, 11:18
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Message non lu par nico.f »

McCormack, ChrisAUS05.12.07

Doe, KieranNZE05.12.07

Bracht, TimoGER+00.05.15

Leder, LotharGER+00.05.19

Taubert, AlexanderGER+00.05.21

Hofmann, MichaelGER+00.10.26

Favre-Felix, DamienFRA+00.11.05

after bike, DFF !!!!!! come on
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Message non lu par Yogui »

La mobylette chauffe !!!
Messages : 229
Inscription : 21 févr. 2005, 13:50
Localisation : vesoul


Message non lu par triben »

des nouvelles de roth ??? un ti point sur la course savoir ou en est la mobylette francomtoise dff
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Messages : 1333
Inscription : 11 janv. 2004, 15:09
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Message non lu par Fironman »

je suis en train de récolter les tps après vélo des forumeurs mais à première vue, c'est un vélo extrêmement rapide :!: :shock:
Nice 01, 02 IM France 02, 07 IM Germany 02 IM Lanzarote 03, 05, 08
Chall. Roth 04, 06, 08, 09 IM Austria 03 Tri Almere 03 IM Florida 03
IM Switzerland 04 IM UK 05 IM Arizona 05, 06 IM Wisconsin 08 Chall. Barcelona 10 IM Hawaii 2006
Messages : 263
Inscription : 18 mai 2004, 20:24
Localisation : Belfort

Message non lu par ironmule »

13:51Macca holds his advantage steady.
Macca seems to be repeating his win last year. He is 6:20 minutes ahead of Alexander Taubert. Still 13 km until the finish line. Alexander Taubert's performance is stunning. He is 3:40 minutes ahead of the third place Timo Bracht. Lothar Leder will not catch up with the lead. He is 3:40 minutes behind Bracht.
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Messages : 1333
Inscription : 11 janv. 2004, 15:09
Localisation : Petit-Roeulx-Lez-Braine
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Message non lu par Fironman »

dff 0:53:22 4:27:18 (5:24:06)
bigmarc 0:58:08 4:58:00 (6:03:27)
air marty 0:53:43 5:06:32 (6:06:41)
Newi 1:01:40 5:09:45 (6:18:21)
jefironman 0:59:02 5:13:48 (6:19:15)
copste 1:00:50 5:17:22 (6:26:33)
livestrong 1:15:08 5:07:11 (6:27:59)
le tique 1:03:56 5:17:39 (6:29:56)
Ben 1:02:43 5:26:12 (6:35:03)
pp 0:55:56 5:36:58 (6:35:47)
tritof 1:17:13 5:41:19 (7:08:55)
Philippe LL 1:12:40 5:49:08 (7:15:20)
pgb 51 1:09:04 5:58:26 (7:21:23)
Philou 60 1:12:37 5:59:53 (7:28:12)
Genjack 1 :17:59 6:02:42 (7:31:25)
Phil b 1:19:56
Pierrot 1:26:00
Lio 67 1:30:32

Victoire de Macca en 7h58 :!: :D
Nice 01, 02 IM France 02, 07 IM Germany 02 IM Lanzarote 03, 05, 08
Chall. Roth 04, 06, 08, 09 IM Austria 03 Tri Almere 03 IM Florida 03
IM Switzerland 04 IM UK 05 IM Arizona 05, 06 IM Wisconsin 08 Chall. Barcelona 10 IM Hawaii 2006